If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together
- African Proverb
BondFire nights invites us to remember how the ancient ones connected - around a fire, sharing stories by the light of the flame. Its as simple as that, a coming together of people around a fire where we celebrate and Remember the Sacred.
Held under the trees and stars, Kembali's song circles is a monthly gathering where we share and learn Medicine Songs that bring us in connection with the Earth, our bodies, and those we sit in circle with.
We organise regular group camping opportunities to beautiful spots across the country where we share great wild camping tips, wild cooking, and Nature Connection Games. Little wild ones are also welcome!
Regular gatherings for women held around stunning Waterfalls, Rivers, and rock pools. Celebrating Nature's temple with a supportive community of women so you can feel restored and catch your breath again.
Commonly asked questions about the gatherings and the Kembali Community. Feel free to contact us if you have any more questions.

Are you feeling the call? Connect with us to find out more - connect@kembali.org