1. Kembali undertakes to guide the Client along the route of the Walk from the starting point of the Walk or Hike to the end point of the Walk as specified in the Contract. The Guide provided by Kembali will use its best efforts based on its previous experience of the route to ensure the safety of the Client during the Walk or Workshop.
2. Kembali accepts no liability and assumes no responsibility for any injury or death of any participants or for any damage to or loss of their personal property during the course of the Walk or programme.
3. Kembali reserves the right to cancel the Walk or Programme before its specified end point in case of:
• Evidence of a bush fire occurring and likely to affect the route
• Red Rainstorm warning issued by the Hong Kong Observatory
• Thunderstorm warning issued by the Hong Kong Observatory
• Typhoon signal issued by the Hong Kong Observatory
• Flood warning issued by the Hong Kong Observatory
The Guide would be solely responsible for deciding the most appropriate action to take in any of these cases.
4. Kembali will not be responsible for any Client who leaves the organised Walk to take an alternative route to the end point or who takes a short cut to finish the Walk early or at a location different from that specified in the Contract.
5. Kembali undertakes to facilitate the transfer of the Client from the appointed meeting place to the starting point of the Walk by guiding the Client on various forms of public transport between the two locations or by use of private transport. The Company will not be liable for any injury caused to a Client whilst boarding, travelling in or alighting from any Public Transport or private vehicle.
6. When stated, the price will include costs of transfers from the meeting point to the start point of the Walk or Hike, Supervision during the Walk or Hike and the cost of transfers back to the original meeting point. When not stated, participants are responsible for their own travel costs.
7. Kembali has shared with the Client, a list of recommendation with respect to its participation in the Walk. It is the Client’s responsibility to follow those recommendations for its own comfort and safety and for the safety of others on the Walk.
8. Medical conditions, allergies or physical ailments should be communicated with the guide prior to the walk to discuss suitability in joining the specified walk.
9. Kembali will offer a full refund if cancellations are made before 2 weeks of the scheduled walk or programme.
10. If Cancelation, rescheduling or refund is required with less than 2 weeks’ notice of the walk date, Kembali will not offer make up programmes, or refunds based on the client’s personal reasons.
11. In event of cancellation due to T3, T8, T10, Black or Red Rain, a full refund, or voucher to attend the next available walk will be offered to the Client. The Voucher should be redeemed within 6 months. Clients will be notified if there is cancellation of the walk at 6.30am the morning of the event via email.
12. In event of a thunderstorm warning or heavy rain, Kembali will reserve the right to determine if a walk will be cancelled, or go ahead with adjusted activities in covered areas that Kembali deem are safe from hazards. If the client chooses not to join in the program, even if the program is scheduled to run, the client shall not receive a voucher or a refund for the unattended programme.
13. If a walk or programme is cancelled due to Thunderstorm or heavy rain, Kembali will offer the client a voucher to attend any subsequent walk or programme date that should be arranged within 6 months of the scheduled date.
I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and I agree to be bound by its terms.

Have other questions? Contact us and we'll get back to you within 24 hours - connect@kembali.org